Welcome! Get Together Green is an EarthKeeper outreach project of the Creation Care Team of First UMC Cary serving downtown Cary in and around the Maynard Loop.

Our goal is to make it easy for folks to avoid single-use plastics by offering larger quantities of silverware for use at gatherings. You reserve what you need, pick up your kit, return dirty, and we wash and sanitize it in our industrial dishwasher and get it ready for the next check out.

To begin the checkout process, please register an email address. Please include organization, school or neighborhood if applicable. You will then be able to checkout items. Please make your reservation at least one week in advance. You will be contacted nearer to your event date for a pickup location.

If you are interested in duplicating this program in your community. Please contact us! We'd love to help!

GTG is an EarthKeeper outreach project of the Creation Care Team of First UMC Cary, serving downtown Cary in and around the Maynard Loop.